Recycled carrier bags, acrylic, graphite, tape, laser photocopies, stitching.
“The craft of building in medieval times was often viewed as a mysterious, even magical process, in which secret forms of knowledge were used to produce majestic structures. Individual masons used special symbols to ensure that they were paid for the blocks they carved.
Medieval imagery such as the dragon symbolized evil - shown in defeat it represents good over evil. Such images were requested by the monks and bishops who paid the masons to represent the many temptations of the world.
This installation depicts these memories and the temptations of our material world. Obscured and layered images appear and disappear and text etched into the textured coverings echoes our vulnerability.
‘Shopping is the religion that fuels the life in this secular city, the stores like cathedrals drawing the faithful.’
These 'memory vessels' embody fragile artefacts, representing a valuable contribution to the understanding of everyday life and society through material culture.”
The 'Memory Vessels' were first exhibited at The Link Gallery, Winchester as part of the Hyde 900 Exhibition 'Re-Imagining Treasures of Hyde Abbey' alongside artworks by Lisa Traxler at Winchester Cathedral and the City Space Discovery Centre, Spring 2010.